Showing posts with label Chapter 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 8. Show all posts

193. “Hi, Honey,” he says.

“Welcome home.”

192. When the girl comes to,

she finds herself in a musty hotel room, tied to a bed, the man gazing down at her.

191. One night, after her show,

the girl is surprised by two thugs, who bound and gag her.

190. The detective, an expert

in uncovering missing persons in underworld places, finds the girl and arranges for her kidnapping.

189. The man, now a numbers runner

and making good money, decided to hire a detective to find the girl.

188. The girl’s parents gave her up

for dead and decided to raise baby Scarlett as their own.

187. For over a year, the girl

worked at a club called “The Stardust,” where her showgirl gig involved a red feather boa, pasties, and a thong.

186. At the Sands, the girl met

an up and coming comedian (you would recognize his name) and got a gig as a showgirl.

185. When the girl discovered

that the Greek man expected her to perform in adult movies, she ran away and hitched a ride to Las Vegas.

184. The Greek took the girl to Hollywood,

where he had some connections with the “movie” industry.

183. Maybe she married the Greek,

and maybe she didn’t, but she left the baby behind with her parents and two flummoxed boyfriends.

182. Long before the term

“It’s complicated” became such a cliche, the girl ran away with yet a third man, a 45-year-old Greek immigrant.

181. The girl had another boyfriend,

yet she was still drawn to the man like a moth to flame.

179. However, the man was now living

with his ex-wife, who knew nothing about the baby.

178. The man came back to town

to claim the girl, now the mother of a baby girl, who decided, against all prevailing opinion, to keep the child.

177. Like all good plans, however,

this one would go awry.

176. The plan: the girl would have

the child and give it up for adoption.

175. Pregnant girl and slightly wounded

Snowball (the girl refused to budge without the dog) would accompany her parents back home.

174. So a deal was reached

among the girl’s parents, the man, and the Las Vegas police--one officer, actually.

173. The gun, in fact, was wielded

against the girl. “Take the little bitch back,” the man told her parents.