Showing posts with label Chapter 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 8. Show all posts

173. The gun, in fact, was wielded

against the girl. “Take the little bitch back,” the man told her parents.

172. So the dog, a German Shepherd, lived

and came to be known as Snowball and would later protect the fruit of the girl’s womb.

171. Okay, so the previous is a bit overstated

and does not work well within the plot line. What does one do with the dead dog, anyway?

170. There was an ugly scene involving a gun,

a dead dog, and three Las Vegas squad cars.

169. By the time the girl’s parents

found her, she was already 18 and six months pregnant.

168. They bought a white trailer

with a purple stripe, towed it to Las Vegas, and set it up in a trailer park filled with seedy characters.

167. What followed next is unclear.

Maybe they got married, and maybe they didn’t. But they did set up housekeeping together.

166. The truck driver took pity on them

and treated them to a steak dinner, then dropped them off in Flagstaff, Arizona.

165. The truth: he still in striped prison garb,

met her behind a cold storage facility; they hitched a ride with a truck driver.

164. The cliche: buy a ladder,

set up to the girl’s second floor window, and coax her down, she in high heels with cosmetic case in hand.

163. Upon his release, the man and girl

made urgent plans to elope.

162. The girl wrote breathy,

desperate love letters to the man while he served his prison term.

161. After one semester, the girl

was kicked out of the boarding school for causing undue agitation, the last straw: instigating a food fight.

160. Meanwhile, the man’s wife divorced him

and refused him any visitation rights to their children.

159. By the time the man had served

his prison term, the girl was 17, almost 18.

158. For corrupting the morals of a minor,

the man was fined $1,000 and sentenced to two years in prison.

157. The girl was sent to a Catholic boarding

school near Pickstown, South Dakota.

156. The police found the two runaways

at a gas station in Reno, Nevada.

155. An APB was issued on the two lovers,

along with an arrest warrant on the man.

154. The man and the girl traveled 500 miles,

crossing three state lines.