Showing posts with label Prologue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prologue. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2009

9. Some say narrators ought to start

at the beginning.

7. The story of my life:

a dollar short, a day late. Remember this.

6. By the time I discovered the Summer

of Love, it was already over.

5. I don't live in antebellum Georgia.

I'm a California girl. It's 1968, the summer after the Summer of Love.

4. I don't spell very well at times,

as evidenced by my first sentence. This is a piece of my story, but not part of the main narrative thread.

2. Everybody thinks I'm just like her,

but it's not true.

1. My name is Scarlett.

I was name[d] after Scarlett O'Hara.